
۱۳۹۲ مرداد ۱۲, شنبه

داود توران آجیلیق آکسیاسی گئچیرن میللی فعالارا باغلی آمئریکان کونگرسمنینه مکتوب یازیب

داود توران  آزربایجان میلی دیرنیش تشکیلاتینین سوزجوسو، آجیلیق اکسیاسی گئچیرن میللی فعالارلا باغلی آمئریکان کونگره سمنی دانا روهرا باکره مکتوب یازیب. داود بئی ایراندا، غیر فارس میللتلره قارشی آیری سئچکیلیک و اینسان حاقلاری ایحلالاری ایله باغلی معلومات وئریب.

آزربایجان میلی منافعه سی  و حقوقلاری اوغروندا دینج شکیلده فعالیت گوسترن میلی فعالارا (یئنی گاموح اویه سی)  قارشی  ایران رژیمی عدالتسیزجه هر بیرینه ۹  ایل حبیس وئریبدیر. یئنی گاموح اویه سی اولان بئش میلی  فعال ایگیرمی گوندن آرتیقدیرکی بو حاقسیز حوکمه اعتیراض ائدره ک آجیلیق آکسیاسی باشلادیبلار.
سوزجو توران، کنگره وآمئریکا سیاستچیلرینیندن  گونئی آزربایجان مسئله سی و حاضیردا آجیلیق آکسیاسیندا اولان میلی فعالارا دیقت ائتمه رین ایستیب.
The Honorable Dana Rohrabacher August 2, 2013
2300 Rayburn House Office Building No: 172
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Representative Dana Rohrabacher:
My name is Davud TURAN and I am the Spokesman of National Resistance Organization of Azerbaijan. I am writing to report a human right abuse and violation in Iran, and explain the situation of 5 Azerbaijani prisoners of conscience, Latif Hassani, Mahmoud Fazli, Shahram Radmehr, Ayat Mehr Ali Bayglu and Behboud Gholi Zade, who have entered in fourth week of hunger strike.
Prisoners mentioned above, have started hunger strike on July 13 in Tabriz central prison protesting the unfair trial and mistreatment. The Tabriz Enghelab court sentenced those activists for 9 years imprisonment on the charge of establishing a group, the New Southern Azerbaijan National Awakening Movement Party (Yeni GAMOH), and distributing anti-government propaganda.  In fact they were protesting discrimination against Azerbaijani Turks people living in Iran and demanding language and identity rights.
Based on reports published by their relatives, they have already been suffering from serious illnesses because of being tortured during interrogations and previous confinements. The five prisoners emphasized that they will continue the hunger strike unless the court revise the sentence. However, Tabriz prosecutor’s office and main prosecutor officer Mr Khaliolallahi exiled them from Tabriz to Tehran on the eight days of hunger strike while their health situation had turned to a critical condition.
They were tortured several hours during transferring from Tabriz to Tehran in a metal shield in hot summer weather condition.
However, the executives of Evin prison in Tehran refused accepting them because of their severe situation. Finally, after a day of solitary confinement in Evin Prison in Tehran they were moved to Rajae Shahr prison in Karaj one of the worst and notorious prisons in Iran.
I would like to draw your attention to human right abuse against ethnic and linguistic minorities in Iran specially this event and ask your urgent intervene in this issue; considering the fact that their physical situation is very critical and their life is in a serious danger.
As you know, Iranian media and news agencies are under a heavy government censorship and cannot cast any news about the critical situation of any political prisoner.
For your information, I have connection to the family of these people and ready to any assistance that I can to break this inhuman boycott and end this brutality. Please feel free to contact me anytime if you would like to discuss this issue further.
Spokesman of National Resistance Organization of Azerbaijan
3311 Willow Crescent Dr. # 11 Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (571) 216-1604

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